Monday, December 8, 2014

Google's Efforts Fence Negative Content of Children


Development of the Internet and the home range is so rapid is already very difficult to stop. Though not all the effects of the Internet provide good benefits. The impact of the Internet itself depends on the consumer.

Over the past few years, the Internet proved to be an effect on the child's personality and mental damage in general. The technology is getting advanced and easy to obtain trigger this possibility becomes even greater.

When the Minister of Communications Informatics still held by Tiffatul Sembiring, he issued many policies related to Internet Campaign Healthy Indonesia. This movement is also supported indirectly by Google. But until now, have not managed to implement it to the maximum.

Recently, Google plans to make many changes to the YouTube and Chrome to make it more friendly for children. In addition to the two products, Google also plans to optimize the search engine to be safe to use children. As it is known that during these children often access the Internet content that is not feasible they enjoy.

According to Google's VP of Engineering, this feature will be used as a medium for children's learning and can perform filtration to display the content according to their age. "Parents need to be assisted with the tools that we have created in order to supervise their children in the use of our products," said Google's VP of Engineering quoted from Inferse.

Technology products such as computers, tablets, and smartphones are also becoming media helped boost the risk that may occur and adversely affect children. As a search engine company, Google became directly involved parties should contribute to mitigate this negative impact. Hopefully this program can be realized in harmony with the "Healthy Indonesia Internet Campaign".
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